Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Sooo its been a while!

Ive been pretty absent recently and I apologize! There are a few reasons why, first ive caught a few bugs this month and I cant cope well when im ill. Also it was my birthday at the start of the month and as a late present to myself I got a new samsung galaxy s4 which I am blogging from right now! Im sooo happy with it as my last phone was ancient and didnt even have the internet on it! 

 Last weekend me and my boyfriend decided to go to york, stay over and have a whole day shopping! It was awesome and I went out of my way to eat at Goji vegetarian cafe there... tasty isnt the word! They have so much vegan food including amazing vegan chocolate cake which I may have bought a slice of ;). I also got a vegan hot dog which was huge but so tasty! My boyfriend got sweet potato wedges which he seemed to enjoy. Unfortunatly it started raining and 20% of my hotdog ended up soggy buttt I ate it anyway! 
vegan hot dog!
vegan cake!

Another place that we went to in york was the milkshack, I found their website and discovered they offer vegan milkshakes and ice creams. We obviously went here and I got an amazing peanut butter shake yum! You couldnt tell at all that it was dairy free. 

So anyway im hoping now that ive got a new decent phone and the cold weather is being left behind I should be doing my posts more often again. I have still been petitioning, tweeting and keeping up to date with animal news via reddit and Facebook! Got a few ideas on upcoming posts so please visit again! :)

Rachel X

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