Week starting March 3rd:
1. Stop testing and killing animals in UK lab: Testing
2. Send letter to companies that sell fur to stop: Fur
3. Boycott Canadian Seafood and fur for seal hunt: Seals
4. Stop the Canadian seal hunt: Seal hunt
5. Urge Canada to stop Seal hunts: Seal Hunt
6. Petition against Seal slaughter: Seal Hunt
7. Stop the Canadian Seal hunt: Seal Hunt
(Yes there is going to be a theme this month!)
8. Close Taiji harbor: Close Taiji
9. Close baby monkey lab in the University of Washington: Monkey lab
10. Save the water voles! Water Voles
11. Ban Temple elephant torture: Temple elephants
12. Boycott Africa travel: Africa
13. Help save rare horseshoe crabs: Horseshoe crabs
14. Stop feeding dead piglets to their mothers: Pigs
15. Stop the export of sheep for cruel rituals: Sheep
16. Ban fur imports! Fur
17. Introduce Vegan UK school dinners! School dinners
18. Help horses neglected, beaten and run over on Dublin housing estates: Horses
19. Help US become cruelty free in cosmetics area: Cruelty Free
Rachel X
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