Monday 11 May 2015

David Cameron wants to bring hunting/culling back/What you can do.

So everyone in the UK is (hopefully) aware the elections have just happened, and again the Conservatives have won. I personally voted for the Green party but due to our unfair voting system and people who did not use their right to vote, they only came out with 1 seat in Parliament.

One of the first things that David Cameron decided upon was to bring back the cruel fox hunt. Disgusting. You can learn more about the Fox hunt here.

If, like me you do not want this to happen here are a few things you can do:

  • Write to your local MP, let them know about how cruel and unnecessary the hunt is.
  • Sign these petitions: Petition 1 Petition 2 Petition 3 (I'll try to update this with others)
  • SHARE these petitions and your views with friends via social media! 
  • Go to protests.
Please don't let Foxes suffer and be ripped apart just because a pompous man on his high horse thinks that it is acceptable. I personally can not stand behind somebody who believes in such barbaric methods of dealing with our native wildlife. 

Rachel X

Thursday 7 May 2015

Kim Kardashian supporting the grim fur industry

Long time no post, and I promise I'm going to be blogging more and about a wider range of things regarding veganism.
I saw the video of brave protesters speaking up for animals at Kim's book signing today and I had to share this reaction from Freelee, as she puts it exactly right.
What is wrong with the world?
She is aware of the cruelty involved and can easily afford good looking faux fur.
Why does she still continue to support cruelty?

Above: Kim supporting a coat made from the fur/skin of dozens of dead animals.

Rachel X

Saturday 19 April 2014

Surviving Easter on a vegan diet

Happy Easter,
Okay Easter is a really hard time to avoid unhealthy food (especially if youre trying to lose weight for a holiday!  :@ )
Some people have been asking me what I do for Easter since I don't have dairy products... and it couldn't be simpler!
MOST supermarkets provide for people on a dairy free diet. Here is the Easter egg my parents got me along with 2 bars of chocolate! Kinnerton are a compant dedicated to bringing people dairy free dark chocolate confectionary and take special care to avoid cross contamination! If you couldn't tell already I've enjoyed over half of this egg. 

Another amazing vegan friendly brand is Moo Free who have an amazing selection of chocolate bars, buttons and Easter eggs! They have a load of flavours and are avaliable in a lot of supermarkets and online stores. 

Still struggling to find something at your local shop that's vegan? Sometimes people can't access supermarkets easily, and that's okay! Most corner shops sell Fry's chocolate cream, by cadburys. This chocolate is also vegan! 

That's chocolate out of the way... but there is something else a lot of people might struggle with, since most people have a large roast meal on Easter Sundays with a large portion of dead animal ( meat!). 
Vegans might struggle to find something to substitute the chicken, pig or cow on their families plates. There are so many vegan substitutes out there now, it's so simple! 
I recently bought myself a nut roast to try, they are really easy to make and serve up a pretty large portion! Vegan friendly and include a load of vegetables, a source of protein and is high in fibre. Only £2.49 at Tesco!
If you have a Holland and Barrett nearby, you should be able to find a lot of amazing vegan meat substitutes, 

VBites have one of the best ranges in the UK for vegan fake meats. They do a turkey style roast , a gammon style roast and beef style roast and LOADS more!

Anyway, if you don't like to have fake meats you can just ask to have extra vegetables instead... ;) 

Anyway, I hope everybody has a great holiday! Hoping to post more soon.

Rachel X

Thursday 10 April 2014


As usual please sign these to help animals:

  1. Tell Curacao to stop cruel elephant rides: Curacao
  2. Encourage Singapore airlines to stop shipping shark fins: Singapore
  3. Stop the UK badger cull: Badgers
  4. Demand animal rights in Iraq: Iraq

Rachel X

Thursday 3 April 2014

VOTE FOR SEAWORLD AS WORST COMPANY IN THE USA! <<< vote!! Give them the only prize they deserve.
Keep checking back if they move onto the next round!!

Rachel X

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Alpro Soy = love!


I think living here in the UK we are pretty lucky and have a huge range of vegan food readily avaliable to us in local supermarkets! One thing that's pretty important for somebody getting into a vegan/cruelty free lifestyle are dairy free milks and yoghurts. Alpro has a pretty large range of things ALL of which are vegan and kind to the enviroment! Avaliable milks include coconut milk, rice milk, soy milk, oat milk and almond milk! Each of these also come in a 'light' version for those trying to diet.
Here are a few of the things I have stocked in my fridge right now:

 For somebody who has recently given up milk I'd reccommend they try either soya or rice milk. They both taste amazing! They are both pretty sweet, however so the 'lighter' options might go down better with other people. Also rice milk is pretty watery (much better than pus filled cow milk though imo!)

Soya yoghurts taste amazing and go down well as a snack or breakfast sometimes. Unless you're going raw vegan, it's important to get supplements in for your diet and to make sure it's balanced.

The milks I think cost a decent price, in tesco they are £1 a carton. The smaller milkshakes are just over £1 for 3 in a packet. The yoghurts are around £2 too.

Rachel X

Thursday 27 March 2014

Petitions this week (bit late)

here are a bunch of petitions worth signing:

  1. Tell Copenhagen zoo to stop killing healthy animals: Zoo
  2. Tell south Africe to stop "canned hunting" of lions: Lions
  3. Justice for starved to death dog: Justice
  4. Save the pygmy rabbit: Rabbit
  5. Protect penguins from climate change: Penguins
  6. Tell Government to help preserve seals: Seals
  7. Urge Japan to stop killing whales: Japan
  8. Stop the Yulin dog slaughter: Yulin
  9. Rakuten in Japan - stop selling whale meat and ivory! Rakuten
  10. Help Canadian Grizzy bears: Grizzly bears
  11. Ban Foie Gras in the EU: Foie Gras
  12. Ban rodeos in New Zealand: Rodeos
  13. Punish buyers of poached tiger parts: Tigers
  14. Give companion animals in the EU protection: Protection
Rachel X